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Odds and Ends in Yosemite Valley

The Yosemite Valley is full of surprises and unexpected views around any corner; particularly in the spring when the snow-melt has the water flowing. You can, for example, find a waterful in almost any corner of the valley just by turning around and looking. Many of these, like the one shown here from 1997 are unnamed (2008: Reader feedback names this one Sentinel Fall or Falls, depending on the book).
Unnamed Falls
1930s Nevada Falls
Short walks from the valley floor on well-marked trails take you to various interesting locations. Seen here is Vernal Falls from the 1930s.
Not everything to see is on the wall of the valley, however. Look closely under the trees, in the meadows, and right outside your hotel room or tent. There you will find the wildlife of the valley. These pictures are from the 2002 trip. We saw many deer but, being in a bus it was hard to photograph any of them. This is the best I could do through the window on the move. The bluejay and squirrel were right outside the hotel room. With some relief I did not see any bears but the rangers say they are there and regularly break into cars looking for food.
Bear in 1930s

Clearly, the rules about approaching the animals were different in the 1930s then they are now. My mother, the adventurer, had no problems getting near the bear or feeding the deer by hand.

Don't try that today!

Deer in 1930s

Finally, look around again when the light changes. A rock behind the hotel looked just like any other rock until the afternoon light hit it just right. Then, on the point, appeared this striking image of a small church.

Rock church

Now, let's visit the only "formal" place in Yosemite: The Ahwahnee Hotel.

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