Salmon - Grilled
I've tried salmon baked, cooked in the microwave, and in several combinations
but the best I've found is grilled. So, that's what we have here: a way of grilling

- Salmon. My preference is a filet rather than a steak, but this would work
with either. Ask the butcher to skin the filet; they can typically do it better.
[Costco has nice skinned salmon filets you can cut into pieces and freeze.]
- Spices to suit (I use Mrs. Dash, Paprika, and Grill Mates--the chicken combination
actually does quite well).
- A grill (I use a small 375-watt electric grill).
- Coat the surface of the grill with a non-stick spray or use some oil to
help prevent the salmon from sticking (it will still stick but this helps
reduce the sticking). Plug it in so the grill gets hot.
- Add spices to the inner side of the filet (the side away from where the
skin was). I will often also drizzle just a little bit of olive oil onto the
spices and rub it around to help the spices stick.
- When the grill is hot, place the salmon on the grill spiced side down (this
side flakes more and is harder to handle if done last instead of first). My
grill uses 375 watts and takes about 10 minutes to cook each side; your time
will vary depending on the power of your grill. [If you like spiced foods
then add spices to the skin side now so they cook in when you turn the fish.]
After 10 minutes use a fork to gently loosen the salmon from the grill and
then use a spatula to turn it for another 10 minutes.
- That's it. Loosen, remove from the grill and serve.
- If you want tartar sauce with the salmon a quick version includes Miracle
Whip, chopped onions, a spoonful of sweet relish, and, perhaps, some chopped
dill. Mix together to taste.
Lower Fat:
- While fish is relatively high in fat, it's a "good" fat and salmon
has a particularly large amount of that "good" fat (high in omega
3 fatty acids).
- The bad fat in this recipe is in the tartar sauce you put on the fish. Either
eliminate it entirely and replace it with a lemon squeeze or use a non-fat
mayo (yes, they exist--Kraft makes on version) to make the sauce (it won't
be as smooth but has a similar taste).
- Cut up some onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms and sauté them. Add a bit
of rice and you have a great-tasting yet very easy-to-prepare full meal.
- You'll have to judge your time on the grill depending on your grill. I have
one of those fancy 1,100-watt grills with all the attachments but it's always
been a pain to clean up and most of the heat produced was wasted around the
edges of the food. I discovered this small 375-watt grill at a close-out sale,
put the big grill up on the shelf, and never looked back. Things take a bit
longer, but not that much and all the heat is concentrated on the food.
- A quick alternative I've found acceptable is to microwave the salmon. Place in a microwave-safe covered container. Put on some lemon juice, spice, and cover and zap until done. I only takes a couple of minutes and be careful because if you cook too long the fish will become rubbery.
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