Turkey Loaf
This is a substitute for meatloaf that uses a little ground turkey meat along
with several different high-fiber vegetables. I can't honestly say this is
my favorite recipe for taste but, then, I'm just getting used to a higher fiber
and lower fat diet. Also, I have not played with it much to get the taste more
to my liking. See the notes below for some ideas I might play with in the future.

- One egg
- Rolled oats (oatmeal - one-half cup)
- Chop the mushrooms. (If using a food processor cut them in half or quarters
first and pulse process. You don't wan't to liquify them.)
- Chop the onion and add to the bowl containing the chopped mushrooms. (Again,
pulse in a food processor or chop finely with chopper or knife.)

- Grate the zucchini and add to the bowl.

- Grate the carrot and add to the bowl (sense a pattern forming here

- Add the ground turkey meat.
- Now, add the rest of the ingredients (egg, oats and spices).
- Now comes the fun. Wash your hands good, take off the watch/rings, and
act like a kid playing. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl. Got frustrations?
Take them out on the mixture: twist, grab, squeeze; just have fun until
everything is well mixed. Once mixed, you are ready to fill a baking container
(or bake
as a loaf--see notes below).

- Bake the mixture in a 375° oven until the internal temperature is 180° (about
an hour). Allow the loaf to sit a short time and then cut pieces out of
the cooked loaf to serve.
Lower Fat:
- This is basically a low fat recipe already.
- Change the spice mixture to include things like salsa and/or BBQ sauce.
- Bake the loaf on a flat surface (e.g., cookie sheet with raised edges)
instead of in a container. This should help by allowing some of the juices
to drain
give the
a crust on more than just one side.
- Top the servings with a spicy dish or topping.
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Tom Simondi, All Rights Reserved